Our Relationship with the Quran


So, now that I’m at the point where I perform invigilation duties – 3-hour long invigilation duties – I have a pretty good grasp of relativity. In fact, I’m pretty sure my experience can serve as a practical demonstration of relativity.

The idea is simple. For anyone who wishes to understand the concept of relativity, they should just perform a 3-hour invigilation duty. I can say with 99% certainty that they’ll claim that the clock was stuck during that time. Because that’s pretty much what happens. Even after minutes and minutes, the only movement of an analog clock is about 6 degrees rotation of the minute hand (that’s the duration of a minute).

Time stops!


Outside of such duty, time flows like water off a water fall. I mean, doesn’t it feel like the year just started? It’s already September!

Here I Am

It’s been a while since I’ve done this, but the thoughts in my head were now exceeding the basic word limit provided by other social media platforms (more like, exceeding the attention span of people on said platforms) and I just wanted to let out some of those words. Wanted to put them in writing. And share. Because as I’ve realized now that I’m older, writing is a form of communication that is very therapeutic for me.

But…it’s not like I haven’t been writing; just that the form of my writing has evolved. I moved on to writing stories – fanfiction and otherwise, even completed a whole novel – before, somehow or the other, the creativity ran out and I took a long break. That and the personal development I went through during this time really molded me into taking most – if not all – of them down. Nevertheless, it was a good learning experience; an experience I wish to undergo again with the ideas bubbling in my head, but I would rather take a break from that now because it is quite taxing.

Another problem – read that as excuse – I have for not returning to writing fiction is the lack of a proper platform and audience. The site where I used to write got blocked where I live…which is quite demotivating. Not to mention, that the novel-length story that I wrote was actually a fanfiction, and as the show ended, so did the audience, and I was pretty late to the party. I got good response though, people loved it. Until I made it have a depressing end. I think the audience was disillusioned with me after that.

I wrote an original story as well; had it all planned out (still have notes for it and all), wrote a few chapters as well before I was exhausted with all the writing (read that as choosing the correct adjectives and facial expressions and whatnot; as I said, it is quite taxing). But the lack of audience was a big demotivating factor. The audience I had was because of the fanfiction and they didn’t want to read anything else. And then real life caught up and I ended up shelfing it.

I’ve been wanting to go back to it. Tried to dust off the cobwebs, because no matter what, it is my creation and dear to my heart, but I forgot what was going to happen! And the notes didn’t help either because they focused more on either the back story (which was to make up the middle) or the sequel! I can still vaguely recall a few ideas I had for its progression but…they’re so vague that I just open up the document and close it back up because I can’t be bothered to think about it anymore. Not to mention that the publishing platform is also a big deterrent; the site I used to publish on got blocked and I want to publish it here but the “no copy protection” keeps me from doing it (it is also the reason I took off all my previous standalones).

But anyway, through it all, I grew up. Got a graduate degree, enrolled in post-grad, got an exhausting job, survived Covid, met new friends, separated from them, got new cats (two of whom died), and just because a regular, responsible adult. And then, a random post sparked such a reaction in my head that I though of wanting to write about it.

So here I am.

This post was supposed to be about that idea that reminded me of this blog. But as I wrote the first sentence, it turned out to be something else. Still I continued, documenting this as a journal entry and letting out whatever comes to my head.

I regret nothing.

PS. This post has the number 1444, written on 25 Muharram 1444. I find it amusing.



